Present Tense : Wāhine Toi Aotearoa Exhibition


Present Tense : Wāhine Toi Aotearoa

Directory of Women Designers +
Designers Speak (Up)

RAMP Gallery, Kirikiriroa

30 April – 24 May, 2019

Designers Speak (Up)

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Present Tense : Wāhine Toi Aotearoa is a moment-in-time record of the current landscape of women in design, using the poster format to give visibility and voice to the unsung diversity of Aotearoa design. This iteration of the exhibition includes silk-screen posters from ĀKAU Studio, Anna Wilkinson, Alessandra Banal, Elisapeta Hinemoa Heta, Ella Sutherland, Fiona Jack, Katie Kerr, Kyra Ta-Waka Clarke (Threaded Media), Nell May, Pipi Press, Sarah Maxey and Sonya Lacey, along with over sixty contributions in response to the#ff3333 Poster Call

The posters will be presented in various formats, from printed to projected to published online. Written contributions — the first being Broken record by Lana Lopesi — will accompany the work and offer contextual discussion during our hīkoi around Aotearoa New Zealand.

A day of kōrero / kai / mahi will be held on Saturday 11 May, beginning with an informal hui at the Hamilton Zinefest, followed by an afternoon of poster making, finishing at RAMP Gallery (see details below).

All posters submitted to Present Tense : Wāhine Toi Aotearoa in response to the initial call, and ongoing over the next few months, will be added into the Designers Speak (Up) online poster collection.

RAMP Gallery is the first stop on the project and exhibition hīkoi around Aotearoa which includes Laurel Projects in Ōtepoti, 2–23 August, and Enjoy Gallery in Pōneke in Spring — with other venues and details to be announced — keep an eye on social media.

Join the conversation, be a visible part of the landscape and have your voice.  Visit Designers Speak (Up) for more info on how you can contribute.

LEFT: ‘Te Wai O Te Taniwha’ Poster', Designed by Kyra Clarke, Threaded.



'Happiness By Design', LIFE INSTYLE SYDNEY 2016