PROJECT: Good People Run

"I keep on telling myself that ‘this project is the last one’ and you know what - i think it is. Yes. This is the one. Good People Run

We all have that creative itch you cannot scratch. That nagging ‘what if?’- and the paradox of 'how do i create without selling my soul?’ Well this is my own answer. A lifetime it seems exploring all sorts of shit to work it out. No pressure though right!?!” - Paul Petch

GPR is a lifetime project of designer, photographer and director Paul Petch. Running has been part of his life for along time and such an inspiring part of his process as a creative. His largest personal project to date aims to bring together everything that makes him tick creatively, personally and physically. 

Launching mid May GPR has a solid collective of local Kiwi creatives onboard already, as well as offshore who are producing exclusive works to sell online and to showcase at physical exhibitions. Combine this with a kick arse editor and a core of influential and inspiring people GPR will also be driving unique and alternative running centric content expressed through photography, design, illustration and art.

Central to everything at GPR is GIVING BACK to the community and by using running culture as a platform is starting out slowly with some great events and projects in mind moving forward. Come find out more over at and get involved.


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