Lovenotes launches 1,000,000 pieces of paper challenge
Today, Lovenotes, a service provider that turns workplace waste paper into reusable stationery, announces the launch of The 1Million Milestone.
After starting out 5 years ago, the company has grown to serve over 65 thriving workplaces in Auckland and has ‘refreshed’ well over a quarter of a million pieces of paper, turning them into over 10,000 notebooks, used daily in offices, cafes, and workplaces across the city.
“We are using The 1Million Milestone to celebrate how the small things our partners do are collectively generating remarkable impacts. By creating this collective challenge, we are injecting playfulness into the sustainability space, and encouraging workplaces across Auckland to sign up to the service and be another player in the game”, says Lovenotes founder Amanda Judd.
In collaboration with three local artists, The 1Million Milestone will be celebrating the journey through a nostalgic 8-bit themed infographic scoreboard, showcasing the progression to one million pieces of reused paper.
With more than 400 employees participating in the Lovenotes service to date, their direct actions have saved over 3,800,000 litres of water and 24 trees, simply by using stationery made from their own waste paper. Partners signed up to the Lovenotes service report that staff become enthusiastic, passionate, and ignited to do more when involved. The 1Million Milestone will amplify these impacts by engaging people as players in a game of thriving workplaces Auckland wide.
Like all good things that come to life, Lovenotes begins with the simplest of ideas - reusing workplace waste paper and turning it into notepads, notebooks, and everyday stationery. By signing up for the Lovenotes service, organisations are generating a new and dynamic way of refreshing, reusing, and recycling in the office, and working in team with the rest of our city’s workforce to reuse one million pieces of paper.
Signup for the Lovenotes service online, and be part of The 1Million Milestone